The point of this section is to provide surface level ideas that allow the reader to then do a deeper examination for themself. What I am writing below and wrote a few weeks ago are ideas that are thought provoking, have a deeper meaning, or simply stood out for some reason. I’ll do a deeper dive on most of these in the future, but I also believe that allowing the reader to come up with their own understanding of things is a beneficial practice. Consider these thought-provoking nudges rather than drawn out arguments.
“Reality denied comes back to haunt.” - Philip K. Dick (Hugo award winning sci-fi novelist)
“The worst days in the arena are better than the best days in the stands.”
“If an insult offends you, it is probably somewhat true. Otherwise, you would just laugh it off.”
“We’ll meet again. Or we won’t. No one knows what’s written for anybody. Or what will befall them.”
“Those who deserve to die, die the death they deserve.” - Live and Let Die (James Bond novel #2) - Ian Fleming
“Every dream, if dreamed too long, turns into a nightmare… live the dream actively, the road awaits.” - The Lady of the Lake (The Witcher book #7)
“How do you respond to the word impossible?”
“The earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.”
“We put a man on the moon before wheels on a suitcase.” - What obvious invention has no one done yet?
“The constant need for happiness can only lead to hedonism. An empty pit with little fulfillment. Hedonism provides no growth so once you become entrapped in it, the only way to escape is to embrace pain for a duration of time. No lasting good ever comes from hedonism for the sake of hedonism.”
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